Baptisms, Weddings & Funerals



At St Mark’s we are delighted to perform services of baptism for children (also known as ‘christenings’). Every child is precious to God, and during a baptism, a child becomes a member of God’s family, the church: it is the first step in their journey of faith. It is also a wonderful opportunity to give thanks to God, before friends and family, for the amazing gift of the child.

You can learn more about the baptism of children here.

If you would like to consider having your child baptised at St Mark’s, please contact the St Mark’s Administrator. The Church of England normally encourages people to have their children baptised in their local church. You can find out whether St Mark’s is your parish church here.



People of any age can be baptised, and it is always a very moving service when an adult decides to take this step. Adult baptisms normally happen along together with confirmations. You can read more about them here.

If you are interested in being baptised as an adult or confirmed, please contact the St Mark’s Administrator.


A marriage service, wherever it takes place, is a public declaration of love and commitment to your partner.

If you choose to get married in church, there is an added dimension – having your relationship blessed by God, and knowing that his resources and strengths are available to help you.

You can learn more about getting married in a Church of England church, including St Mark’s, here.

If you would like to make a booking, please contact the St Mark’s Administrator.


If you want to book the church or the Vicar for a funeral, please contact Rev'd Jane Andrews, Vicar of St Mark's Wimbledon

07591 203468

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